Punakha Dzong Bhutan Travel Booking

How much does it cost to travel to Bhutan in 2024?

Latest updates (26th August 2023)

  • As per the latest regulation, it costs US$100 per person per night.
  • Accommodations and meals are included.

Bhutan, the Last Shangri-la, has long enchanted travellers worldwide with its ethereal landscapes, vibrant culture, and the profound wisdom of Gross National Happiness. In our globalized world, visiting this Himalayan kingdom is an extraordinary journey like no other. However, an integral part of this voyage is understanding the Bhutan Tourism Tax, a vital tool in preserving the country’s distinct cultural and natural heritage. This article will delve into the intricacies of this tourism model, its purposes, and what it means for tourists.

What is the Bhutan Tourism Tax?

Known officially as the Minimum Daily Package Rate (MDPR), the Bhutan Tourism Tax is a mandatory levy imposed on foreign travellers visiting this serene Himalayan kingdom. It’s a comprehensive rate that covers accommodation, meals, transportation, a licensed Bhutanese tour guide, and a sustainable tourism royalty.

Why the Bhutan Tourism Tax Exists

The Bhutan Tourism Tax as know as Sustainable Development Fees (SDF), implemented by the Royal Government of Bhutan, serves two essential purposes. First, it operates on the principle of “High Value, Low Impact” tourism. Bhutan seeks to attract discerning travellers who respect and value the culture, history, and environment, aiming for sustainable tourism rather than mass tourism.

Secondly, the tax contributes to the preservation and promotion of Bhutan’s rich cultural and natural heritage. A portion of it goes to the country’s free healthcare and education systems, demonstrating Bhutan’s unique commitment to its citizens’ wellbeing and happiness.

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How Much is the Bhutan Tourism Tax

US$200 per night for adults, US$100 per night for children and no charges for infants.

While the Bhutan Tourism Tax might seem steep at first glance, it’s essential to remember that it covers most travel expenses and contributes to the preservation of Bhutan’s unique culture and environment. By understanding and respecting this model, travellers can immerse themselves in the beauty of Bhutan while knowing their visit supports the country’s sustainability and wellbeing.

For those seeking a travel experience that combines natural beauty, cultural richness, and ethical tourism, Bhutan’s gates are open, and the Bhutan Tourism Tax is your ticket to this truly unique adventure.